

In my search for a scalable, session based, highly configurable load testing tool, I happened upon Locust. I was looking for something between the lightweight but pure throughput testing of ab and full on virtual machine scripted browser transactions. Locust seemed to fit the bill, and so far has done everything I have needed, both for quasi-functional testing as well as benchmarking API endpoints. A great departure from the normal heavyweight The Grinder, Locust provided a lightweight, yet totally functional approach to user emulation testing.

Locust is a lightweight framework designed to allow script-able application interactions to be scripted simulating the burstiness of an end user. Once the base set of tasks is defined, locust allows it to be scaled out to an arbitrary number of users, all acting independently with their own session data. Locust also makes running in a distributed master/worker fashion simple with a few configuration tweaks.


Installing locust is absurdly simple, in a virtual env, pip install locustio. Pip will pull in all the requirements and you are off to the races.

Getting Started

Locust is fairly straight forward to use; import the needed classes, write a HttpLocust class and at least one task, then run your project with locust -f . This will launch your task definitions as well as Locust's internal flask engine for controlling the test and displaying both the live results and providing access to csv downloads.

See the example components below:

HttpLocust class:

class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):
    host = ""
    task_set = WebsiteTasks
    min_wait = 1000 # time in ms
    max_wait = 15000 # time in ms

The above declares a new class that will inherit the HttpLocust, which fulfils one of the two requirements of locust: your file must be valid python, and must have at least one class that inherits from Locust. The HttpLocust class includes some additional helpers to simplify http requests and session management. In our example class we define the target host that all the request URLs will be built from, the TaskSet class we want this Locust to execute, and the delay window we want each task to be executed in. As Locust tries to emulate user behavior, it will pause each individual 'User' between min_wait and max_wait ms, to simulate the time between normal user actions.

Each of these HttpLocust classes will keep track of the web clients state, including cookies, to better emulate an end-user's browser.

After getting the session class, we need to define some tasks and their TaskSet:

class WebsiteTasks(TaskSet):
    def index(self):

    def about(self):

    def contact_us(self):"/contact_us", {
            "email": "",
            "subject": "Sales inquiry",
            "message": "I am very interested in your product...",

The above defines three separate tasks index, about, and contact_us, which perform a GET on / and /about, and a POST to /contact_us, respectively. In contact_us, the POST data is built from the dictionary passed as the second argument. Each of these tasks will be executed in a random order, with a delay of min_wait..max_wait between the beginning of each task. The decorator task performs the magic needed for the following function to be executed by locust as a discrete task.

The integer passed to @task() is the weight of the task. In this case, we have a weight of 10 for index, 5 for about, and 1 for contact_us, thus index will get executed 10x more often than contact_us, and twice as often as about. You can easily see how locust will distribute requests by running locust -f --show-task-ratio


Task ratio per locust class
100.0      WebsiteUser
62.5       index
31.2       about
6.2        contact_us

Total task ratio
100.0      WebsiteUser
62.5       index
31.2       about
6.2        contact_us

Note that while each of these example functions only has a single self.client call, you can perform multiple requests in each task. This allows for proper setup of a form, such as grabbing the token out of a hidden form field for inclusion in the call you actually want to test.

Now that we have a few basic tasks defined and configured, we can run locust directly, using ``locust -f``. This will launch locust with our definition file, as well as start a web interface on localhost:8089. After connecting to http://localhost:8089/ you will be presented with the following prompt:

Locust Launch

Here we specify how many total users we would like, and the rate at which to spawn them. The rate is user specified to avoid situations where 100 sudden new users would cause issues with caching/scaling/etc. Once you click start swarming, Locust will begin running your HttpLocust users, spawning them at the hatch rate, up until reaching the number specified for total users.

Once the hatch rate is reached you will be presented with a display of the current status, showing each task that has been run and its various statistics. This display will be updated periodically while the tests run.

Locust Dashboard

Once all required user sessions have spawned and completed their startup tasks, Locust conveniently restarts statistic collection to get an accurate picture of the desired load.

One Step Further

Since the file is written in python, you can have any number of functions that are not wrapped with a @task that you can call from within tasks. For instance to test our auto-complete suggestion API, I load a word list as a global dictionary from disk, then in any auto-complete request I grab a random word, return a chunk of the word from the third character to a random position > 3 and use that as the GET parameter.


import random
with open('words.txt', 'r') as temp_file:
    words = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in temp_file]

def search(self):
    word = words[random.randint(0,len(words)-1)]
    length = random.randint(3,len(word))
    self.client.get("/search?search=%s" % word[0:length], name="/search?search=[string]")

In this example, we are substituting the word with the requested length in the query string, and then via the name kwarg we are telling locust how to group requests. As this method will generate a large number of unique requests (by design) I don't want the output polluted by 1000s of requests for /search?search=a, /search?search=b, etc. By using the name kwarg, all requests by this get will be grouped under the entry /search/?search=[string], with aggregated statistics for all the queries. This works in this situation, as ideally each search result should be similar and we don't care about the specifics.

Just Keep Stepping

Since the HttpLocust class is instantiated in each emulated user thread, we can do certain house keeping tasks in a TaskSet and have those brought along with the user. The most obviously useful gain from this, outside of cookie based session continuity, is the ability to run a specific task on start. This task is ensured to run prior to any others, making it essential for any log-in or session initialization steps needed. By defining an on_start function, it will be run automatically at the initialization of the task set.

on_start example:

class WebsiteTasks(TaskSet):
def on_start(self):"/user/signin", {
        "email": "",
        "password": "what!thatsmypasswordtoo",

This above snippet will ensure that any tasks run within the WebsiteTasks taskset will be logged in as This session will be continued for the current worker, carrying cookies accumulated throughout the session for future requests.

Caring about more than the HTTP status

Locust also exposes a mechanism to ensure that not only is the application responding to responses on the HTTP level, but that the data returned is actually useful. For requests that have an expected, consistent output, checking the returned value is relatively straight forward

In this example, /about is requested, then scanned for the string "Founded", making the assumption that our about page will contain some information about when we were founded. If the string is found, the response is marked successful. If, however, the string is not located, we mark the response as failed and provide an error message.:

def about(self):
    with self.client.get("/about", catch_response=True) as response:
        if response.text.find("Founded") > 0: # Text is on the page
            response.failure("Founded not found in response")

Although this is highly rudimentary and probably not the quickest, cleanest or sane way of doing simple testing like this, it will work for simple checks , as well as being easily expanded to checking shorter responses, as in API responses.

The response object exposes a number of ways to get at the response, such as returning a JSON object, the text, etc. Details can be found in the Documentation, but we will go over a few of the more obviously useful.

The following examples will all assume the response object was returned in a task via response = self.client.get("/contact_us").

Using response.headers['Cache-Control'] will allow one to examine the caching policy the application has responded with for the results of the call and ensure cache policy compliance. Similarly, response.headers['Expires'] can be used to check the objects desired lifetime.

response.cookies will return a dictionary of all cookies present in the response object. Examples of use cases for this would be checking session cookies or checking for any custom cookies that should be set by your application.

Status Code:
responses.status_code will allow you to take action depending on the current responses' status code. For instance if the status is 401, you could fire a new request that will provide proper authentication.


So far this short writeup has demonstrated the basics of Locust; from defining tasks, to building a pseudo functional testing framework based on the response values. The next article will cover some more advanced topics, like distributed mode testing, CSRF protected forms, and other topics yet to be realized.